Java Reuse Functions

1. Reading Property function


* Reading values from a Properties file

* @param Filename

* @param KeyName

* @return

* @throws IOException


public String ReadPropertiesFile(String Filename, String KeyName) throws IOException {

Properties prop = new Properties();

String KeyValue = null;

try {

// load a properties file


// get the property value

KeyValue = prop.getProperty(KeyName);

} catch (IOException e) {



return KeyValue;


2. Open Excel

// Open Excel File

public void openExcelWorkBook() throws Exception {

fileName = new File(".\\Test Data\\EmployeeInformation.xlsx");

fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);

excelWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fileInputStream);


3. Get Cell data from Excel based on Row Key and ColumnName


* Provide KeyValue [mention one key in excel per row], ColumnName and Excel sheet name to read the data

* @param KeyValue

* @param MyColumnName

* @param SheetName

* @return Cell data of ColumnName Provided

* @throws IOException


public String GetTestData(String KeyValue, String MyColumnName, String SheetName) throws IOException {

String MyFinalvalue = null;

String MyRowFlag1 = KeyValue;

XSSFSheet MySheet1 = excelWorkbook.getSheet(SheetName);

int RowCount = MySheet1.getLastRowNum() + 1;

int ColumnCount = MySheet1.getRow(0).getLastCellNum();

int TempValue = 0;

for (int iRow = 1; iRow < RowCount; iRow++) {

XSSFRow row = MySheet1.getRow(iRow);

int flag = 0;

for (int cellValue = 0; cellValue < row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); cellValue++) {

row.getCell(cellValue, Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);

XSSFCell cellValue1 = MySheet1.getRow(iRow).getCell(cellValue);

// cellValue1.setCellType(CellType.STRING);

if (MyRowFlag1.equals(cellValue1.getStringCellValue())) {


for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < ColumnCount; iColumn++) {

XSSFRow row2 = MySheet1.getRow(0);

XSSFCell cell1 = row2.getCell(iColumn);

if (MyColumnName.equals(cell1.getStringCellValue())) {


TempValue = iColumn;

flag = 1;




XSSFRow row1 = MySheet1.getRow(iRow);

MyFinalvalue = row1.getCell(TempValue).getStringCellValue();




if (flag == 1) {




if (flag == 1) {




return MyFinalvalue;


4. Get Row Count of Excel Sheet


* Fetching the row count excel sheet

* @param Sheetname

* @return

* @throws IOException


public int GetRowCount(String sheetName) throws IOException {

XSSFSheet MySheet1 = excelWorkbook.getSheet(sheetName);

int RowCount = MySheet1.getLastRowNum() + 1;

return RowCount;


5. Write data to excel 


* Write Data into Excel sheet

* @param KeyValue

* @param MyColumnName

* @param SheetName

* @param value 

* @throws IOException


public void WriteExpectedResults(String keyvalue, String sheetName, String MyColumnName, String value)

throws IOException {

FileInputStream MyInputStream1 = new FileInputStream(fileName);

FileOutputStream fos = null;

excelWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(MyInputStream1);

String MyRowFlag1 = keyvalue;

XSSFSheet MySheet1 = excelWorkbook.getSheet(sheetName);

int RowCount = MySheet1.getLastRowNum() + 1;

int ColumnCount = MySheet1.getRow(0).getLastCellNum();

int TempValue = 0;

for (int iRow = 1; iRow < RowCount; iRow++) {

XSSFRow row = MySheet1.getRow(iRow);

int flag = 0;

for (int cellValue = 0; cellValue < row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells(); cellValue++) {

row.getCell(cellValue, Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);

XSSFCell cellValue1 = MySheet1.getRow(iRow).getCell(cellValue);

// cellValue1.setCellType(CellType.STRING);

if (MyRowFlag1.equals(cellValue1.getStringCellValue())) {


for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < ColumnCount; iColumn++) {

XSSFRow row2 = MySheet1.getRow(0);

XSSFCell cell1 = row2.getCell(iColumn);

if (MyColumnName.equals(cell1.getStringCellValue())) {


TempValue = iColumn;

flag = 1;




XSSFCell cell1 = row.getCell(TempValue);


fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);





if (flag == 1) {




if (flag == 1) {





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