Common Functions in QTP 1
1. Taking Snapshot as JPG file
Public Sub TakeSnapshot (obj, sFileName)
Dim fso
Dim resDir
Dim sTmpFileName
sTmpFileName = "tmp"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
resDir = Environment("ResultDir")
obj.CaptureBitmap "C:"&Chr(92)&sTmpFileName&".bmp"
SystemUtil.Run "BMP2JPG.EXE", "C:"&Chr(92)&sTmpFileName&".bmp "&"C:"&Chr(92)&sTmpFileName&".jpg"
' the JPEG has been created, move it to the results Dir then delete both files from c
fso.CopyFile "C:"&Chr(92)&sTmpFileName&".jpg", resDir&Chr(92)&sFileName&".jpg"
' reportevent Reporter.ReportEvent 2, "TakeSnapshot", "Created file: "&VbCrLf&resDir&Chr(92)&sFileName&".jpg"
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
2. TE Functions
'Send Enter Key
'Call ReturnKey (strWindowName)
Public Sub ReturnKey (strWindowName)
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen(strWindowName).SendKey TE_ENTER
End Sub
'Send PauseBreak
'Call PauseBreak (strTeScreen,strTeField)
'Public Sub PauseBreak (strTeScreen,strTeField)
Public Sub PauseBreak (strTeScreen)
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen(strTeScreen).SendKey TE_CLEAR
End Sub
'Enter a value into any defined edit field
'Call Public Sub AnyEdit (strTeScreen,strTeField,strInput)
Public Sub AnyEdit (strTeScreen,strTeField,strInput)
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen(strTeScreen).TeField(strTeField).Set strInput
End Sub
'Send Enter Key
'Call ReturnKey (strWindowName, strKey)
Public Sub SendKey (strWindowName, strKey)
Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtTeOptions 'As QuickTest.TeOptions ' Declare the TE Options object variable
TeWindow("TeWindow").TeScreen(strWindowName).SendKey strKey
End Sub
3. Test Parameters
Creating Test Parameter at Run-time
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
Set pDefColl = qtApp.Test.ParameterDefinitions
Set pDef = pDefColl.Item(1)
MsgBox pDef.DefaultValue
Passing Parameters from QC to QTP scripts
1) Create Test parameters in QTP (via file>Settings>Parameters) [These are the parameters that you see in QC, on the automated tab of the Configuration page in the Test Instance Propertirs.]
2) Create action parameters (Action Properties> Parameters)
3)Link action & test parameters together. To do this, go into Action Call Properties>Parameters / In Keyword View right click the action and select the Action Call Properties > Parameters. You'll see your action parameters here. Click in the Value column for a parameter and press the Configure Value button. This will open up the Value Configuration Options dialogue. In the parameter drop down list, select Test/action parameter and then, from the following Test parameters; Parameter drop down list, select the Test parameter that you want to link to your Action parameter.
This should then link the Test parameters to the Action parameters.
Then in your script, you'll use the parameters as follows: -
Browser("Browser_Name").Page("Page_Name").WebEdit("Edit_Name").Set Parameter("Parameter_Name")
4. Upload / Attach File to Quality Center
' Requirements:
' QTP must be connected to QC.
' QCs root directory must be "Subject"
' This was tested on QC 8.2
' The folder location must include a "\" at the end of the string. For example, "C:\Folder" will not work but "C:\Folder\" will.
'This will attach files to QC (and possibly TestDirector).
'Parameters:Folder, Filename, QC Folder, QC Test Name
Public function AttachFileToQC(FromFileLoc,FromFileName,ToQCTestPath,ToQCTestName)
Dim FromFile, Qc, tm, root, fold
AttachFileToQC="Failed to attach file for unknown reason."
FromFile=FromFileLoc & FromFileName
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If status=False Then
AttachFileToQC="Failed to attach file because file does not exist"
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set Qc = QCUtil.TDconnection 'if it fails here, you're not connected to QC
Set tm = Qc.TreeManager
Set root=tm.TreeRoot("Subject") 'Connects to Subject
Set fold = tm.NodeByPath( "Subject\" & ToQCTestPath)'Finds folder, if it fails here, you're either pointing to a bad QC folder or to a test in a folder
Set testList = fold.FindTests(ToQCTestName)
if(testList.Count =0) then
AttachFileToQC="Failed to find any test in folder."
Set Qc = Nothing
Set tm = Nothing
Set root = Nothing
Set fold = Nothing
Set testList = Nothing
end if
For i = 1 To testList.Count
Set vTest = testList.Item(i)
If LCase(vTest.Name) = LCase(ToQCTestName) Then 'searchs each test name for requested test. This is not case sensative.
Set attf = vTest.Attachments
Set att = attf.AddItem(Null)
att.FileName = FromFile
att.Type = 1
att.Save False
AttachFileToQC= "The file " & FromFileName & " was uploaded on the following path " & ToQCTestPath & " to the test " & ToQCTestName & ","
Set Qc = Nothing
Set tm = Nothing
Set root = Nothing
Set fold = Nothing
Set testList = Nothing
Set attf = Nothing
Set att = Nothing
Set vTest = Nothing
Exit Function
end if
Set Qc = Nothing
Set tm = Nothing
Set root = Nothing
Set fold = Nothing
Set testList = Nothing
Set vTest = Nothing
End Function
5. Upload / Attach File to Quality Center
Print AttachFileToQC("C:\Documents and Settings\konkaravi.krishna\Desktop\","Workaround_Script.txt","BPT Resources\Libraries")
Public function AttachFileToQC(FromFileLoc,FromFileName,ToQCTestPath)
Dim FromFile, Qc, tm, root, fold
AttachFileToQC="Failed to attach file for unknown reason."
FromFile=FromFileLoc & FromFileName
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If status=False Then
AttachFileToQC="Failed to attach file because file does not exist"
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set Qc = QCUtil.TDconnection 'if it fails here, you're not connected to QC
Set tm = Qc.TreeManager
Set root=tm.TreeRoot("Subject") 'Connects to Subject
Set fold = tm.NodeByPath( "Subject\" & ToQCTestPath)'Finds folder, if it fails here, you're either pointing to a bad QC folder or to a test in a folder
Set attf = fold.Attachments
Set att = attf.AddItem(Null)
att.FileName = FromFile
att.Type = 1
att.Save False
AttachFileToQC= "The file " & FromFileName & " was uploaded on the following path " & ToQCTestPath
Set att = Nothing
Set Qc = Nothing
Set tm = Nothing
Set root = Nothing
Set fold = Nothing
Set vTest = Nothing
End Function
3. Checking for DNS Existance
Function CheckDSN(DSN, Server, DB)
'Create an object to read registry
Set oReg = GetObject("Winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
'Set the path to read System DSNs
'Get the list of System DSNs
oReg.EnumKey &H80000002, strPath, arrSubKeys
'Check if the required System DSN exists
DSNExists = False
For Each subkey in arrSubKeys
If subkey = DSN Then
DSNExists = True
Exit For
End If
'If the required System dsn exists, Check if the Server and DB are correct or give a correct message
If DSNExists Then
strKeyPath = strPath & "\" & DSN
'Note what server is mapped in this DSN
oReg.GetStringValue &H80000002, strKeyPath, "NetworkAddress", szValueServer
'Check if the Server is the required one
If szValueServer <> Server Then
CheckDSN = "Required System DSN exists on the system but is mapped to a Wrong Server - " & szValueServer
'Check if the DB is the Required One
'Note waht DB is used in this DSN
oReg.GetStringValue &H80000002, strKeyPath, "Database", szValueDB
If szValueDB <> DB Then
CheckDSN = "Required System DSN exists on the system but is mapped to a Wrong Database - " & szValueDB
CheckDSN = ""
End If
End If
CheckDSN = "Required System DSN does not exist on the System."
End If
Set oReg = Nothing
End Function
3. Record Execution time of a script
To record the execution time of a QTP script Timer function from VB script can be used.
Declare following steps
StartTime= Timer [Begining of the script]
EndTime = Timer [ End of Script]
TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime
min = TotalTime \ 60
sec = TotalTime mod 60
Msgbox("Execution Time=" &min &":" &sec)
3. Upload / Attach File to Quality Center
3. Upload / Attach File to Quality Center
3. Upload / Attach File to Quality Center
' This is a basic sample of Descriptive Programming in QTP for Web applications.
' If you are interested in doing more with it, either do it yourself or hire me as consultant :). Of course I prefer second part =:+)
' I am limiting shared code because each one of you has different needs/skills and would need different things from DP approach
' I am specifically avoiding the biggest benefit of this approach: overloading functions with extra code (like measuring how long it tool to refresh the page, translation, doing basic verifications etc)
' Even for Link object on the web I have created many more functions, but purpose of this article is to give you a brief introduction to 'hidden powers' of Descriptive Programming approach.
' I do not claim DP is the only option, or that my functions are perfect. You can pick as much as you want on my coding style as well. However, be warned: once you use DP once.... =;-}
' And Yes, I did NOT compile this code in my QTP :). Point is to give you real experience with DP (by the way, code SHOULD work)
' To work with this code, simply load it as any other library. Make sure only ONE IE window is open. Create basic script by using Click_Link function
dim browser_title
dim page_title
1. Link Exists
Function Link_Exists(pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex)
'check existence without index parameter.
Dim existenceWithoutIndex_
Call Initiate_wHandle ' make sure hWindow is known
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
existenceWithoutIndex_ = Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Page("title:=" & page_title).Link("Name:=" & pStrLinkText).Exist(EXIST_TIME_OUT)
'If there is only 1 object and pIntLinkIndex is set 0, this function returns True
If existenceWithoutIndex_ And pIntLinkIndex = 0 Then
Link_Exists = True
Exit Function
End If
'If there is only 1 object and pIntLinkIndex is NOT set 0, this function returns False
If existenceWithoutIndex_ And pIntLinkIndex <> 0 Then
Link_Exists = False
Exit Function
End If
'In the other case, which there is no object or are more than 1.
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
Link_Exists = Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Page("title:=" & page_title).Link("Name:=" & pStrLinkText, "Index:=" & pIntLinkIndex).Exist(EXIST_TIME_OUT)
End Function
2. Verify Link Exists
Function Verify_Link_Exists(pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex)
If Link_Exists (pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex) Then
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass , _
"Verify_Link_Exists", _
"Link found: link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Verify_Link_Exists = PASS
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, _
"Verify_Link_Exists", _
"Link not found: link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Verify_Link_Exists = FAIL
End If
End Function
3. Verify Link Not Found
Function Verify_Link_NotFound(pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex)
If Link_Exists (pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex) Then
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Verify_Link_NotFound", "Link found: link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Verify_Link_NotFound = FAIL
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify_Link_NotFound", "Link Not Found: link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Verify_Link_NotFound = PASS
End If
End Function
4. Count_Link
Function Count_Link (pStrName)
dim i_
while (Link_Exists(pStrName, i_))
Count_Link = i_
End Function
5. Clicking Link
Function Click_Link(pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex)
If Link_Exists (pStrLinkText, pIntLinkIndex) Then
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Page("title:=" & page_title).Link("Name:="& pStrLinkText, "Index:=" & pIntLinkIndex).Click
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Click_Link","Click_Link worked. Link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Click_Link = PASS
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Sync
Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Click_Link", "Link not found! Couldn't click on link. Link name = '" & pStrLinkText & "' link index ='" & pIntLinkIndex & "'"
Click_Link = FAIL
End If
End Function
6. Initiate Window Handle
' NOTE: window handling is the HARDEST item of Descriptive Programming. Each one of you should customize it for you own needs.
' NOTE: I am specifically NOT providing what I have created to handle windows -- you might implement it better then I if you spend some time on it.
Function Initiate_wHandle()
Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
If Browser("index:=0").Exist(EXIST_TIME_OUT) Then
wHandle1 = Browser("index:=0").GetROProperty("hwnd")
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "NO WINDOWS OPEN!!!", ""
End If
Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll
End Function